Riding the subway is nice. The TTC is a very good public transit system. Of course, everyone complains about it, but everyone uses it too! It is (as I have mentioned before) my favorite part of living in Toronto - the Not Driving Part!
Of course, there is still much of a morning and after-work clog-up. But, my current temp job works very nicely for that. As I have to leave a little earlier than most people (I leave at 8AM to be at work by 9AM...don't ya love Canada?!) I usually get a seat on the subway (although not usually on the bus for some reason) which means I can sit down, drink my coffee and read my book. What a lovely way to start my day! Much better than sitting in traffic for 45 minutes, no?
But Tuesdays...on Tuesdays I am extra happy. Why are Tuesdays best? Because on Tuesdays, Scott has a 9AM class. Which means that we leave the house at the same time and ride together! Today I got to read and lean against my hubby. It's that quality "just being together" time that's so nice and wonderful. There's nothing quite like it.
Another reason the subway is nice...you can go anywhere for one cheap price. And, if you get a monthly pass, you can go anywhere as much as you want! It's like a ticket to the city! I'm glad Scott & I are getting monthly passes this next month - it didn't make sense this month or in December as
we weren't here long enough. But when we get them, it's like freedom! We are out and about much, much more - which is such a good thing.

Speaking of "go anywhere, do anything..." here is a picture of one such crazy thing. Scott...on the subway...with parts of our bed from Ikea!
1 comment:
I had hoped that it would be named the Toronto Area Rapid Transit System. Alas.
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